Trademark Logo Patent Registration
We specialize in helping businesses of all sizes protect their intellectual property by filing for trademark, logo, and patent registration with the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHL). Our services include performing comprehensive trademark and patent searches, preparing and filing official applications, and providing ongoing legal advice and support throughout the registration process. We take a personalized and proactive approach to ensure that our clients’ trademarks, logos, and patents are properly registered and secured. With our help, our clients can rest assured that their intellectual property will be legally protected and they can enjoy peace of mind knowing that their ideas are safe from infringement.
General Requirement*
- e-Card / UMID
- Driver’s License*
- Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) ID*
- Passport*
- Senior Citizen ID
- COMELEC/Voter’s ID/COMELEC Registration Form
- Philippine Identification (PhilID)
- NBI Clearance*
- Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) ID
- Firearms License*
- AFP Beneficiary ID
- Philippine Postal ID*
- Other valid government-issued IDs
Service Process
Once payment is confirmed our representative will contact you via e-mail to fill up necessary form(s) corresponding to the service you availed.